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History, Myths & Symbolism Of King Arthur’s Excalibur

One of the most famous swords in European legends, the Excalibur belonged to King Arthur of Camelot. Learn about Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur from Camelot. Discover its history and the truth behind Arthurian legends. Find out how this magical sword protected the king and his knights, and uncover the different stories of how Arthur obtained it.

Was King Arthur a real person?

Swordskingdom.co.uk swords Excalibur replica premium king artherOne of the most famous swords in European legends, the Excalibur belonged to King Arthur of Camelot. Learn about Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur from Camelot. Discover its history and the truth behind Arthurian legends. Find out how this magical sword protected the king and his knights, and uncover the different stories of how Arthur obtained it.

king artherDiscover the legendary tale of Excalibur, the sword bestowed upon King Arthur by the Lady of the Lake. Learn how this magical weapon kept Arthur safe in battle. Understand the difference between Excalibur and the sword in the stone, often confused in popular tradition. Unravel the story of Arthur’s destiny as he pulls the sword from the stone, proving his birthright and royalty with the help of the wizard Merlin. Explore the significance of these iconic symbols in Arthurian legend.

  • Origin of the Name:
    Excalibur, originally called Caliburn, traces its roots to Welsh literature, evolving from Caledfwlch to its final form. The name suggests its ability to cut steel.
  • Irish Influence:
    The sword may have been inspired by the Irish hero Fergus mac Róich’s sword, Caladbolg, known for its strength.
  • Symbolic Return:
    According to legend, Excalibur had to be returned to the Lady of the Lake, telling the end of Arthur’s reign.
  • Shared Use:
    Excalibur is mostly linked with King Arthur, but in some stories, other characters like Gawain also used it.
  • Sword in the Stone:
    The Sword in the Stone prophecy was a later addition to Arthurian legend, not present in the earliest accounts.
  • Chivalric Ideal:
    King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table embodied medieval chivalry, defending the weak and promoting honor.
  • Literary Evolution:
    The Arthurian legend evolved through various medieval texts, adding elements like the Holy Grail quest and military adventures.
  • Celtic Influence:
    Excalibur’s magical attributes reflect Celtic beliefs, where weapons often possessed supernatural powers and were returned to their source.
    These points describe the significance and evolution of the iconic Excalibur sword within Arthurian legend.

Swordskingdom.co.uk swords Excalibur replica premium king artherExcalibur’s appearance varies widely in different stories. Some describe it with stones like topaz and jacinth, while others tell writings like “Take me up” and “Cast me away” on the blade. Some tales even say it was so bright it could blind enemies. Modern versions of Excalibur take notes from medieval longswords, with films like King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. Each adaptation offers its own unique interpretation of what Excalibur might have looked like in reality.

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