Sword longsword rapier sword SwordsKingdom swordskingdom.co.uk

Rapier vs Longsword: Which One is Better?

Overview In the world of historical swords, the rapier and longsword represent two distinct styles. The rapier, thin and agile, dominated Renaissance fencing with its precise thrusts. The longsword, a two-handed powerhouse, ruled medieval battlefields with its powerful cuts. While the rapier excels in speed and accuracy against unarmored opponents, the longsword’s versatility and armor-piercing […]

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Sword Falcata Kopis medieval sword SwordsKingdom swordskingdom.co.uk

Comparing the Falcata and Kopis in Warfare

Overview The falcata and kopis were ancient curved swords used by Celtiberians and Spartans respectively. Both were designed for slashing and chopping in close combat. While sharing similarities in blade length and functionality, they differed in blade curvature, cross-section, fullers, hilts, and scabbards. Both swords played significant roles in shaping warfare strategies in their respective […]

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Sword katana European sword SwordsKingdom swordskingdom.co.uk

A Comparative Look: Medieval Swords Sharing Traits with the Katana

Overview This article explores similarities between the iconic Japanese Katana and medieval swords like longswords and scimitars. It delves into the Katana’s unique features, including its curved blade, Tamahagane steel construction, and two-handed handle. The article then compares these features to similar swords from Europe and the Middle East, highlighting their shared focus on slashing […]

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Samurai swords katana tonto Wakizashi Tachi swordskingdom.co.uk SwordsKingdom

Katana vs. Knight Armor: A Breakdown of Weaponry and Protection

Overview This article analyzes the katana’s ability to cut through knight armor. While the katana excels against unarmored opponents, its curved blade struggles against the strong steel plates of knight armor. Samurai tactics aimed at weak points or used grappling and other weapons to overcome the armor’s defense. The katana’s effectiveness goes beyond just cutting […]

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Longsword vs Katana: A Comparison of Cutting Power and Versatility

Overview The article explores the concept of “strength” in swords, looking beyond just how well they cut. Longswords are versatile for various attacks, while katanas are masterfully crafted for cutting. There’s no single “better” sword – it depends on fighting style, armor, and the wielder’s skill. Ultimately, both swords represent the richness of swordsmanship where […]

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Why were Viking swords so strong?

Overview Viking swords were surprisingly strong due to a combination of factors. Early swords made of low-carbon iron bent easily. Vikings then acquired higher quality blades through trade and used a technique called pattern welding to create swords that were both hard and flexible. Some exceptional swords, called Ulfberht, were made with crucible steel, a […]

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sword katana samurai sword japanese sword swordskingdom.co.uk SwordsKingdom

Truth Behind Katana Sharpness: Dispelling Myths and Revealing Reality

Overview This article explores the truth behind katana sharpness. It clarifies misconceptions about its cutting power and explains what a katana can realistically cut through. It also dives into the factors that influence katana sharpness, including blade design, steel type, and sharpening techniques. Finally, it details methods for testing katana sharpness. Introduction Discover the fantastic […]

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Katana sword samurai Japanese sword SwordsKingdom swordskingdom.co.uk

Can Katanas Slice Through Bone?

Introduction A katana is a traditional Japanese sword with a curved blade, usually used by samurai warriors. It’s believed that swordsmiths in eighth-century Japan crafted the first katana, aiming to create blades sharper than others of the time.These swords’ blades are crafted from folded steel, resulting in a remarkably robust blade capable of withstanding hits […]

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